Saturday, May 16, 2009

Clay's 40th Birthday Fiesta

It's the year of turning 40 for Ed and several of his friends. We went to a 40th birthday Fiesta for our friend Clay Williams. Ed went to school with Clay and they worked at the Training Table Restaurants together for years. Clay's lovely wife Ashley always goes all out for entertaining and this party was no exception. There was good food and drinks, a pinata for the kids and 3 different desserts. It was a fabulous way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Olivia kept stealing the birthday sombrero from Clay. Truthfully, I don't think he was too put out. He said it looked better on her!
Maddie and her daddy look so much alike.
Awwww, sweet sisters. At least they were sweet long enough to take a photo.
True story ... the pinata was killed after the first 5 of 6 kids took some good swings. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, the girls talked the adults into rigging it back up and swatted at the empty carcass. Being my children with ample pinata experience, they also knew exactly what to do with all of the severed parts. (see below)

Yes Mother, they did want to bring all of the broken pinata parts home with us. No, they did not. We managed to spirit those "treasures" into the garbage can before we got in the car!


Denice said...

Such good pictures Tam..I especially love the one of Ed and Mad. Mmmm...3 desserts....