Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008 Wrap-Up

It turned out to be a damp Halloween night but that didn't keep the kids inside. Maddie went trick-or-treating with a group of friends and then came back to our house with them to watch a movie. She was our little pirate this year.

Harrison and Olivia went around our neighborhood with me. They were both so polite with their thank you's, they had several neighbors give them extra candy. Harrison had his bucket filled to the top so Mom ended up carrying it the last couple of blocks. Here he is, surveying the goods.

Olivia was thrilled with the haul she made. She had it all sorted and then shoved it back in the bag! She isn't supposed to eat certain candy because of her braces but she assures me there isn't enough caramel in a Twix bar to break a bracket. We'll see.
Harrison was diligent and studious as he sorted through his candy. He pulled out every item that he can't eat because of his orthodontic device and then counted them out evenly to be fair to mom and dad! He is such a sweetheart.


Cindy said...

Looks like they did well in the candy department. They look so cute!!

Denice said...

Uh-oh...Harrison's been hanging around both get 3 M&M's!! :) The kids look so cute and I'm sad I wasn't there to try and steal some of their candy when they weren't looking. :)

Tamera said...

You don't have to steal it Denice - they give willingly! After a couple of days, they know it all goes in to the community bowl anyway!