Sunday, November 30, 2008

25 Days Until Christmas!

Christmas is coming. I have been in denial but the kids cajoled and the tree went up this evening. I even did a little bit of shopping this afternoon and found a couple of things for Ed. In what has become an annual tradition, Charlie took his spot under the tree the moment the skirt was put in to place. He is so funny - he thinks it's all for him. He gets so irritated when gifts take up his space so we let him enjoy it for now.
This is the new tree that I bought after Christmas last year. I only saw the photo on the box so I'm glad it looks as nice as it does. This was a $170 tree that I bought on clearance at Roberts for $14.99 last January. Finally - a prelit tree! Yea!


Denice said...

It looks gorgeous Tam and way to go on the bargain! Sammy loves it under the tree...I can't hang any ornaments on the bottom though because Chloe breaks them when she runs into the tree...ugh!

codymegan said...

You should've taken a picture of Charlie licking himself under the tree. Nothing says, "Merry Christmas" better than that. Remember when mom and dad bought Buddy and the first thing he did when he ran in was lift his leg on the tree and pee all over Denice's presents? That was funny.

Tamera said...

I don't remember that. Charlie doesn't lick himself in a nasty way - he just chews on his leg.