My sweet neighbor Melissa had offered to take family photos for us but getting all 5 of our family members together at the same time is no easy task so our schedules never worked out. Knowing we were down to the wire, I decided we would hurry and use the self-timer on my point and shoot camera to get a photo after we got home from Thanksgiving Point last night. After surviving that little adventure, I have established some rules for future photo shoots ...
Rule 1. Don't start at 9:15 p.m. when the kids still have homework to complete and Ed is cranky.
Rule 2. Don't have cranky Ed and the kids pose until you know the camera timer is working and you've worked out all of the shadow issues.Rule 3. Never work with children or animals.
Rule 4. Don't expect a 7 year-old boy to keep it together when he is 45 minutes past his bedtime.
Rule 5. Believe Ed when he says he isn't posing for any more photos. Know that means the girls will break out their Mary Kate and Ashley poses.
Rule 6. Send everyone to bed, say a quick prayer, and hope there is one photo on the memory card that you can use.
Rule 7. Be thankful for your cranky husband, goofy face making 7 year-old son, uncooperative dog, and two poser daughters. Get the cards ordered on-line and call it a night!
Now aren't you looking forward to receiving your Christmas card from us this year?!
That is hilarious! I'm sure the Christmas card will be great. :) Love you all!
Sorry it didn't work out for us this time...Maybe next year! But, I'm sure this is one that you'll always remember, because it sounds like it was a bit of a fiasco :) You guys are a beautiful family, so I'm sure you got at least a few good ones to choose from. I like reading all that you learned..."Rules".
I think you should use the one where no one's looking.
Shouldn't YOU also be included in the family photo? This was hilarious of your best posts ever! Love the MK & A poser pic...those girls have learned so well...but they needed bright red lips, bad hair, an outfit 10x too big and really ugly on, and a cup of coffee in their hand....oh and HUGE sunglasses! :) Love you!!
So fun!! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall watching this ... what a fun evening!! Thanks for sharing the "rest of the story."
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