Saturday, September 19, 2009

Homeboy Won a Medal!

Ed participated in his first Triathlon this morning and took 3rd place for his age group - finishing in 1 hour 15 min. He was so nervous last night, I was happy to see him relax once the race was behind him!
Olivia and Keira having fun while we waited along the bike route. Ed coming around the bend to finish up the run ... the last leg of the triathlon.

Getting a congratulatory hug from mom.
Talking about the race.

My friend (and BYU alumn) Amy finished in 1 hour 30 minutes. She was happy to see Dad in his BYU blue.
Ed collects his medal

Not bad for his first attempt. Now he's caught the bug and is anxious to plan for the next event.

Great job Ed!!!!! We're proud of you!!!!! Thanks everyone who gave up your Saturday morning to come out to cheer him on.


Melinda said...

Way to go, Ed! I know you put a lot of work into training. Great photos of the cheering section, too!

Deborah said...

Woot Woot!!! Nice job, Ed! You may inspire me to actually get off my butt and compete someday. :) It was fun to share the day with you...and to ogle cute guys in the 20-24 bracket. Ei ei ei.

Denice said...

That is so awesome!'s a privilege..not a right. ;)

Sunshine Marketing said...

YEA Now you can Tri with us! We are going to do the St George and Moab and the Bear Lake Brawl again....feel free to join in! And lets get Tamera out too! Yes, thats what I said sis.....its your turn!

Cindy said...


codymegan said...

I'm not used to seeing Ed in such tight shorts. I should go buy a pair of those to wear while I'm still pregnant - that would be AWESOME. But I'm not physically fit like Ed so Cody would take one look at me and never want to impregnate me again.