Happy 15
th wedding anniversary to my loving husband - thank you for focusing on the areas where we are compatible rather than those where we differ, thank you for stopping when there are still a few words you'd like to get in your say and thank you for trusting that when there are moments of "for worse" there are moments of "for better" just around the corner. I see your dedication to work, fitness and hobbies and I admire your tenacity. I appreciate your willingness to try new things, to embrace change and to share this adventure with me. It's not easy to figure out how to dance a duet while both are doing solo performances at the same time. You make me laugh. You inspire me to want to climb mountains. I feel blessed to have the life that we have and to raise our children together. Thank you for loving me, thank you for walking this road with me, thank you for anticipating the next 15 years with me. I love you ~ happy anniversary.
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