It has been a project in the planning stages for months. We have lived in our house for 6 years as of next week and Harrison has never had his bedroom decorated. He has lived with builder beige walls because he couldn't decide what he wanted. When I re-decorated Maddie's bedroom last summer, Harrison asked if his room would EVER get done. We started talking and looking - he loves dinosaurs, science and space. We looked on-line for ideas and he was most excited when he saw a solar system mural. With that settled, we bought the mural ... and then nothing happened! I had to get through the holidays - then unexpectedly found myself working 60+ hours each week for work. Knowing the room would never get done if I didn't give myself a deadline, I scheduled this weekend with dad to have him come help hang the mural. I finished painting the bedroom at 3:30 Saturday morning and slept until dad arrived at 10:30. It was a long and knee-creaking day but the mural is done. We spent today assembling a storage cubby and working on accessories. Maddie bought a space shuttle poster from the Smithsonian for him that we framed and hung over the window. We still need to assemble his black bookcase headboard and I need to paint his dresser, but his room is put together enough for him to enjoy it and he's thrilled with how it turned out. When dad asked Harrison if it looked ok, Harrison said "Ok?! It looks GREAT!!!" Thank you so much Grandpa!
Spencer and Shona formals and wedding
8 years ago
What a lucky guy! What a nice mom and grandpa. It looks great!
Absolutely love the way the mural looks! And Harry looks like one proud, pleased kid!! Congratulations.
It turned out great! We are lucky to have such a handy father who can help us with all our many projects. Tell Harrison I can't wait to see it and have him tell me all about space. :)
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