Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love these little boys!

Our kids have had the fortune of growing up with some extra "cousins" who they love and adore. I grew up with Tami, Ed grew up with Ryan. Tami and Ryan met and married ... Ed and I met and married. We live 5 minutes away from each other. I was at their house yesterday evening and had some fun with Thatcher. He's a tough little guy who has battled being born with a hole in his heart and he had major heart surgery almost one year ago. He showed me his boo-boo from a bad kitty, read his book for me and loved looking at photos on my phone. What a fun kid!

Sawyer is my sunshiney kid. He gives great hugs and looks so much like his mama! Whenever I am having a bad day, all I have to do is look at a photo of Sawyer smiling and I feel better. I got him to hold still long enough to get a photo of him giving a squeeze to Maddie.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Farewell Dinner for Elder Hubert

My closest and dearest friend Laura is in town to see her son Forrest off to the MTC. He is going to serve an LDS mission to Chihuahua, Mexico. Oh, how the years have flown by! I remember waiting for him to be born, bringing Laura mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC when she was pregnant. He was a darling, fuzzy haired baby who grew up into the sweet little boy who loved to make breakfast for me when I would go visit them. He was an exemplary young man in JROTC and I'm sure he'll demonstrate the same discipline and dedication to his work as a missionary.

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Cute Cousins

Last week, Olivia and I went to the Park City gallery stroll with Melinda and Dad. We went a few minutes early so we could see Asher and Keira. Asher loves his cousin Olivia.